Coimbatore -India
Shirdi Sai as Sri Naga Sai in Coimbatore :
In the year 1939,Sri. H.H.B.V. Narasimha Swamji along with few more ardent Sai bhakt started Sai movement and established first institution in Coimbatore . The Institution was named as Sri Sai Baba Mission ,Narasihma Swamy ji in year 1942 entrusted the care of centre to Sri. A.V.K.Chari .
The late Sri.C.Varadaraja Ayyah donated about one acre of land at Mettupalayam Road and a Thatched Shed was erected at the donated land to house the Sri Sai Baba Mission which was later named as Sri Sai Baba Madam ,every Thursday there shall be Sai Bhajan and it was open for all for Darshan .
History and Story on Advent of ‘Naga Sai’Temple:
On the evening of the 7/1/1943 Thursday sacred for worship of Baba, a miracle happened!
A Cobra snake with Tripundra,Shankha and Chakra marked on his unusually big hood ,shining and lustrous in appearance all of sudden appeared before Shirdi Sai Baba’s picture when Bhajan was in full swing with drums, cymbal and vibration of bhajan was in peak.

This Naag stood there still, Wavering of light, music and drum had no effect on nerves of Cobra. Seeing this people came in hundreds without any fear of snake and stood there watching the cobra with open hood in utter wonder and awe.
Young and old, women and children in thousands began to pour into the spacious land of the Bhajan Matham to witness the Naga that lingered in the same spot for full 48 hours .Naga stood still uterly ignoring all this and giving darsan,on the Thursday and Friday to the great delight of all the devotees.
Lost in divine escatcy Sri C.Varadarajiah and other devotees got about a thousand ''THIRU SAMANDIMAM" flowers and reciting the ashtotram of Baba and treating the Cobra itself AS SRI SAI BABA they stood round it and close to it and threw all the one thousand flowers ove the head of NAGA SAI. The cobra did not budge an inch but received all the flowers over its head. Then they sent for a photographer. When the photographer attempted to take a photo it was observed that the Naga was hidden in the heaps of Javanthi flowers.
what a wonder!!!

The devotees then prayed with fervor and faith to the Naga to clear out and enable them to resort to their routine worship of Baba in the Madam. Then the immobile Naga showed signs of movements went around Sri Sai Baba’s picture and slowly marched out into the open, disappeared into the bush where later an ant-hill (snake’s natural habitat) appeared. The place where the Naga disappeared in, held as a ‘Holy Ground’ by devotees and from that day onwards Shirdi Sai Baba in Coimbatore is worshipped as “Sri Naga Sai”.
The Sri Naga Sai Trust Seva:
1) Holy Shrine of Sai Baba,
2) Sai Baba Vidyalayam Middle School
3) Sai Deep Kalyana Mandapam
4) Free Homeopathy Clinic
Holy Shrine of Sai Baba: Sri Naga Sai Trust is the only Holy Shrine of Shirdi Sai Baba to have a Golden Chariot with a Golden Idol of Sai Baba in the world and was dedicated to Baba on the 6th of June’2007. The Chariot comes around the prakaram once in a week on Thursdays at 7.00pm.

Annadhanam : The trust serves food to the poor and devotees on all days at 12.30pm, 6.30pm and at nights on Thursdays and Sundays. Thousands of devotees throng the shrine on all Thursday from dawn till dusk. The trust also serves midday meals to all the students of its Sri Baba Vidyalayam middle School on Thursdays and Fridays.
Sri Baba Vidyalayam Middle School : Sri Naga Sai trust gave priority to the education of poor children in and around the holy shrine and started a school on the 18th of august 1947. Today it is catering to the educational needs of 1009 poor students of whom 526 are boys and 483 are girls. The strength of the teaching staff is 26. The president of the school is Mr. S.Balasubrmanian.
Sai Deep Kalyana Mandapam : A full fledged Kalyana Mandapam cum Community Hall was constructed and opened in 1982.
Free Homeopathy dispensary : Its was build and donated to the trust by the Late President Sri.B.Kanniah Prasad in 1993 to mark the Golden Jubilee Year. Free medical homeopathy treatment is given to all people.
Website for Sai Nag Temple:
Slide show of the Sai Naga Temple can be seen Here
Address to Sai Nag Temple:
The Administrative Officer
PHONE : +91- 422 – 2440688
Other Sai Temple in Coimbatore:
Sree Saiswari Sadanam
75,New Anand Nagar
Sri VenuSaipriya Sai Baba Anandh Ashrama Trust
Kandavel Nagar
****************Shirdi Shri Sai Spiritual Trust
247,11th street Nalvar Nagar
Map Of Coimbatore:Mark in Read is the METTUPALAYAM ROAD of Sai Naga Temple Address.
Education should be aimed at moulding students on the lines of human values such as love, peace, righteousness and non-violence.
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